Protection of personal data

The General Data Protection Regulation

From 25. 5. 2018 comes into force the new EU regulations on the handling of personal data commonly known as the GDPR. In this context, we would like to inform you about how we treat personal information you give us.

What data we need from you and what we use it for

When you register or buy with us (with or without registration), you voluntarily give us certain details. These include your name and address to which you want to send a finished order and invoice. Next, the email address, phone number, details of what you bought, and biometric data (dimensions). We also record your business transactions with us. In the case of the purchase as a business or company also VAT number. We use all of these data for the purpose of handling and delivery of your order and for the purpose of keeping your user account.

(Not yet visited on the web: Protect your user account with a strong password and do not share this password with anyone. To increase security, we also record the IP address of the computer on which you are. This is only for security reasons, in case of an attack on your account.)

How long do we keep the data?
All collected data is kept only for as long as necessary (eg. For the purpose of exercising the rights of defective performance), but not later than 10 years.

Provision of data to third parties

All data and data you provide are confidential, will not be disclosed and in any case not provided to other entities. The exception is the external carriers who are customers' personal data transmitted to the minimum extent necessary for the smooth delivery of goods.

How we process your information and how they are protected

Personal data will be processed in electronic form in an automated and non-automated manner or in a printed form in a non-automated manner. We protect personal data all the time from accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access of unauthorized persons.

In case you want to cancel your registration in our e-shop, just send an e-mail to:

We are held at the Office for Personal Data Protection under the identification number XXX